2.Behaviour Of Rc Structures Subjected To Blasting

Swarup A. Mane,Atul B. Pujari,Santosh K. Patil,Abhijeet Undre

PAGE NO : 10-36


3.Comparative study of transmission line tower with Staad-Pro Software

Roshan Dashrath Kamble,A. B. Pujari,Dr. S.K. Patil

PAGE NO : 37-42


4.Evaluation of Steel Braced Frame Structure Performance for Multiple Floors and Loading

Karan Hanamant Lawand,A. B. Pujari,Dr. S.K. Patil

PAGE NO : 43-53


5.Seismic Response Of Rc Building On Sloping Ground Using Sap2000

Mayur S. Kolhe, Atul.B Pujari ,Abhijeet.R Undre ,Santosh.K Patil

PAGE NO : 54-66
